Founded in 1998, the Chambre Régionale des Experts Traducteurs Assermentés d’Alsace (CRETA) is an association of translators / interpreters on the list of judicial experts at the Colmar Court of Appeal.
With its 120 members, CRETA brings together sworn translators and interpreters working from and into 39 languages. Having the status of occasional contributor to the public service, they work for the courts, the police and the authorities, carrying out judicial missions of translation and/or interpreting, together with linguistic expert reports if necessary.
In addition to their judicial missions, CRETA members provide their translation and interpreting services to private individuals, companies, notaries, law firms, etc. They produce certified translations guaranteed to be faithful to the original texts (also known as official or sworn translations).
The aim of CRETA is to provide publicity for its members, to be of assistance to the authorities and to organise both professional and informal exchanges between its members. It also defends the material and legal interests of its members in connection with their official duties.
Our members are above all professional linguists who have taken an oath and who carry out their missions with total independence. The features common to all are professionalism, seriousness, impartiality and confidentiality.
Our association is underpinned by the cooperation and goodwill of each of its members and in my capacity as Chair I have no doubt that, through our cohesion, mutual aid and emphasis on quality, we will be in a stronger position to discharge our missions to the full satisfaction of all those who call on our services.
– Christiane MACHUT –
Président : Martin GARTNER
Vice-Président : Marguerite ANTONIO
Secrétaire : James BRANNAN
Secrétaire adjoint : Alain VOLCLAIR
Trésorière : Maria LOREK
Trésorière adjointe & Membre fondatrice : MOLNAR Maria-Iuliana